Disney Parks Wiki

Prince Naveen of Maldonia is a character from The Princess and the Frog (2008).




Prince Naveen of Maldonia was the elder son to the King and Queen of the Kingdom of Maldonia during the early 20th century, and was older brother to Prince Ralphie. Naveen was a reckless, party-loving, womanizer who was financially cut off by his parents around 1926 due to his behaviour.

The Princess and the Frog[]

Naveen and his English man-servant, Lawrence, travelled to New Orleans in 1926 so that Naveen could seduce and marry wealthy heiress Charlotte La Bouff. Along the way, the two were approached by the evil Voodoo practitioner Doctor Facilier, who read their pasts and their futures to offer Naveen a life of "Green" in which he could "hop from place to place", and offer Lawrence the chance to no longer be push around and instead push around Naveen.

Both men eagerly accepted, resulting in Facilier taking a sample of Naveen's blood for a magic totem which would shape-shift Lawrence into Naveen's form. Meanwhile, Facilier and his "Friends on the Other Side" transformed Naveen into a frog who they imprisoned in a jar to harvest his blood for Lawrence's shape-shifting. Facilier manipulated Lawrence into a plan in-which Lawrence would pose as Naveen to marry Charlotte La Bouff, kill her father, then split the inheritance between the two of them.

At the LeBouff costume party, Naveen managed to escape by persuading Lawrence into loosening the lid for air. Naveen then found a woman at the costume party named Tiana, dressed as a princess, who he assumed could transform him back to being a human due to the fairytale of The Frog Prince with the offer of whatever she wanted. However as Tiana was a waitress and not a princess, this kiss turned her into a frog as well and the two got chased into the bayou outside of New Orleans.

In the bayou, the two met a jazz-loving alligator named Louis who wanted to become human for a music career, as well as a Cajun firefly named Ray who was in-love with the "Morning Star" (reflection of the Planet Venus) he believed was a firefly named Evangeline. The group went to see the Voodoo Queen of the bayou, Mama Odie, in hopes of becoming human but she insisted they use introspection to learn how to change their ways and grow as people instead. Regardless, Odie informed the group that Naveen could cure them all by kissing Charlotte before midnight on Mardi Gras as she was princess of the festivities until the party ended.

Along the way back to New Orleans, Naveen realized he was in-love with Tiana and planned on getting a job to help support her in her business, before deciding to marry Charlotte instead so he could use his money to pay for Tiana's dream restaurant. In New Orleans, Naveen made a deal with Charlotte to support Tiana, while both Doctor Facilier and Lawrence were defeated by Tiana. However, they failed to kiss in time to break the curse and Naveen and Tiana then decided to live as frogs in the bayou.

The two were married as frogs by Mama Odie, then kissed which made Tiana a princess, causing the curse to be broken and the two to become human again. After this, they moved to New Orleans where Naveen became an employee of the Tiana's Palace restaurant.

Bayou Adventure[]

In 1927, Naveen assisted Tiana in opening the employee-owned business "Tiana's Foods". Tiana and Naveen would live in an estate near this headquarters called "Fleur du Bayou" (French: Flower of the Bayou). Tiana and Naveen hosted a celebration on February 27, 1927, leading Tiana to exploring the Bayou with Louis and assembling the Bayou Community Band. Naveen and his brother Ralphie then performed with the band at a celebration in Fleur du Bayou.


Naveen will appear as a meet 'n' greet character alongside Tiana. Some photo-ops had Naveen's frog form added to souvenir photos in post.

Enchanted Storybook Castle[]

There is a mosaic of Tiana and Naveen's bayou wedding. There is a sculpture of Tiana kissing Naveen as a frog.[1]


The Mark Twain Riverboat[]

New Orleans Square[]

Naveen makes live-appearances

Tiana's Palace[]

Naveen's hat appears, hung on a a wall.[2]

Tiana's Bayou Adventure[]

Tiana appears in the finale scene, playing an instrument at Fleur du Bayou. Louis has a quote in the newspaper in the queue implying that it was Naveen left in charge of finding a band, possibly hinting that the celebration not having a band was due to Naveen's irresponsibility.


Tiana's Bayou Adventure Gonna Take You There concept art
  • Concept art for Tiana's Bayou Adventure shows him accompanying Tiana and Louis on their adventure though this was not used in the final ride.


